Stopping Power Database

Helmut Paul's legacy

Id Authors Reference Comments
Ab08 M.Abdesselam,S.Ouichaoui,M.Azzouz,A.C.Chami, and M.Siad Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 266, 3899
Ab91a M.Abdesselam,J.P.Stoquert,G.Guillaume,M.Hage-Ali,J.J.Grob and P.Siffert Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B61,385,and personal communication
Ab91b M.Abdesselam,J.P.Stoquert,G.Guillaume,M.Hage-Ali,J.J.Grob and Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B56/57,355
Ab92a M.Abdesselam,J.P.Stoquert,G.Guillaume,M.Hage-Ali,J.J.Grob and P.Siffert Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B72,293
Ab92b M.Abdessalam, pers. communication (diskette)
Ab92c M.Abdesselam,J.P.Stoquert,G.Guillaume,M.Hage-Ali,J.J.Grob and P.Siffert Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B72,7
Ab93 M.Abdesselam,J.P.Stoquert,M.Hage-Ali,J.J.Grob and P.Siffert, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B73 (1993) 115
Ad77 D.A.Andrews and G.Newton J.Phys.D:Appl.Phys. 10,845
Ad79 H.R.Andrews,W.N.Lennard,I.V.Mitchell,D.Ward,D.Phillips,R.B.Walter IEEE Trans. Nucl. Science NS-26, 1326 The numerical data are given in Wr79
Ag01 T.Ahlgren and E.Rauhala J.Appl.Phys. 90, 4871
Ai00 H.Ammi,M.Chekirine,M.Allab Radiation Measurements 32, 83 Alpha data identical to CA99
Ai04 H.Ammi,S.Mammeri,M.Allab Nucl.Instrum.Methods B213, 60
Ai05 H.Ammi,R.Zemih,S.Mammeri,M.Allab Nucl.Instrum.Methods B230, 68
Ai97 H.Ammi,M.Chekirine,A.Adjerad Radiation Measurements 28,15
Ak80a A.Akhavan-Rezayat and R.B.J.Palmer J.Phys.E.Sci.Instrum. 13,877
Ak80b A.Akhavan-Rezayat and R.B.J.Palmer J.Phys.D: Appl. Phys. 13, 1971
AL06 S.Amadon, W.A.Lanford Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 249, 34 These results give the total energy loss on ingoing and outgoing path, therefore not directly useable.
AL56 S.K.Allison, C.S.Littlejohn Phys.Rev. 104, 959
Al83 H.W.Alberts and J.B.Malherbe Radiat.Eff. 69,231
Al87 H.W.Alberts Radiat.Eff. 102,23
Ala00a T.Alanko,J.Hyvönen,V.Kyllönen,J.Räisänen,A.Virtanen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B161, 164
Ala00b T.Alanko,J.Hyvönen,V.Kyllönen,J.Räisänen,A.Virtanen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B168, 139
Ala00c T.Alanko,J.Hyvönen,V.Kyllönen,S.Mller,J.Räisänen,A.Virtanen Radiation Phys. and Chem. 59,249
Ala01 T.Alanko,J.Hyvönen,V.Kyllönen,P.Laitinen,A.Matilainen,J.Räisänen,A.Virtanen J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 13, 10777
Ala02 T.Alanko,W.H.Trzaska,V.Lyapin,J.Räisänen,G.Tiourine,A.Virtanen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B190, 60
All56 S.K.Allison and C.S.Littlejohn Phys.Rev. 104,959
Am68 B.H.Armitage and B.H.Hooton Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 58,29
An02 H.H. Andersen, A. Csete, T. Ichioka, H. Knudsen, S.P.Moller, and U.I. Uggerhoj Nucl. Instr. Methods B 194, 217
An67 H.H.Andersen,C.C.Hanke,H.Sörensen and P.Vajda Phys.Rev. 153,338
An68 H.H.Andersen,C.C.Hanke,H.Simonsen,H.Sörensen and P.Vajda Phys.Rev. 175,389
An69 H.H.Andersen,H.Simonsen,H.Sörensen and P.Vajda Phys.Rev. 186,372
An77a H.H.Andersen,J.F.Bak,H.Knudsen and B.R.Nielsen Phys.Rev. A16,1929 The Au values were later replaced by An81
An77b H.H.Andersen,J.F.Bak,H.Knudsen,P.Moller Petersen and B.R.Nielsen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 140,537 "Brief report" of An77a
An78 H.H.Andersen,F.Besenbacher and H.Knudsen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 149,121
An80 H.H.Andersen,F.Besenbacher and P.Goddiksen Nucl.Instr.Methods Phys.Res. 168,75
An81 H.H.Andersen and B.R.Nielsen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 191,475 The results published in this paper consist of reevaluated Au-stopping cross sections from the publication An77a.
An94 J.U.Andersen,G.C.Ball,J.A.Davies,W.G.Davies,J.S.Forster, J.S.Geiger,H.Geissel and V.A.Ryabov Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res 90,104
And69 V.N.Andreev,V.G.Nedopekin and V.I.Rogov Soviet Phys.JETP Vol.29,No5,807
Ang00 C.Angulo,Th.Delbar,J.-S.Graulich,P.Leleux Nucl.Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. B 170, 21
Ant91 A.J.Antolak,B.N.Handy,D.H.Morse and A.E.Pontau Nucl.Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. B59/60,13
Ap70 F.Apel,U.Mueller-Jahrreiss,G.Rockstroh,S.Schwabe Phys.stat.solidi(a) 3,K173 See also Ber69 and Ne76
Ar69 E.P.Arkhipov and Yu.V.Gott Sov.Phys.-JETP 29,615
Ara02 L.L.Araujo,P.L.Grande,M.Behar,J.H.R. dos Santos Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B190, 79
Ara04 L.L.Araujo,M.Behar,P.L.Grande,J.F.Dias Nucl.Instrum.Methods B219-220, 246
At00 K.Arstila Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys. Res. B168, 473
At90 K.Arstila,J.Keinonen and P.Tikkanen Phys.Rev. B41,6117 Ge data superseded by At91
At91 K.Arstila,J.Keinonen,P.Tikkanen and A.Kuronen Phys.Rev. B43,13967
At95 K.Arstila,J.Keinonen,P.Tikkanen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys. Res. B101, 321
At98a K.Arstila,P.Tikkanen,J.Keinonen Nucl.Instrum.Methods B136-138,98 No stopping power results given.
At98b K.Arstila Acta polytech. Scand., Appl. Phys. Ser. No. 220 Thesis
Au94 A.Arnau,P.Bauer,F.Kastner,A.Salin,V.H.Ponce, F.D.Fainstein,P.M.Echenique Phys.Rev. B49,6470
Ax78 T.K.Alexander,J.S.Forster,G.C.Ball,W.G.Davies and K.B.Winterbon Phys.Lett. 74B,183
Ay81a J.M.Anthony,P.D.Parker and W.A.Lanford IEEE Trans.Nucl.Science,Vol28,No.2,1227
Ay81b J.M.Anthony and W.A.Lanford Nucl.Instrum.Methods 186,647
Ay82 J.M.Anthony and W.A.Lanford Phys.Rev. A25,1868
Aze02 M.Azevedo,M.Behar,J.F.Dias,P.L.Grande, and D.L.da Silva Phys. Rev. B65,075203
Bö77 P.Boergesen and M.A.Nicolet Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 140,541
Bö82a P.Boergesen,Hao-Ming Chen,H.Soerensen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 194, 71
Bö82b P.Boergesen,H.Soerensen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 200, 571
Bä36 H.Bätzner Ann.Phys.(Leipzig) 25,233
BA09 N.P.Barradas, E, Alves, Z.Siketic, I.Bogdanovic Radovic AIP Conf. Proc. 1099, 331
BA11 N.P.Barradas, E, Alves, Z.Siketic, I.Bogdanovic Radovic AIP Conf. Proc. 1336, 319
Ba83a H.Baumgart,W.Arnold,H.Berg,E.Huttel and G.Clausnitzer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 204,597
Ba83b H.Baumgart,H.Berg,E.Huttel and G.Clausnitzer Phys.Rev. A28,3109
Ba83c H.Baumgart,H.Berg,E.Huttel,E.Pfaff,G.Reiter and G.Clausnitzer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 215,319
Ba84a H.Baumgart,H.Berg,E.Huttel,E.Pfaff,G.Reiter and G.Clausnitzer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B2,145
Ba84b H.Baumgart,W.Arnold,J.Gnzl,E.Huttel,A.Hofmann,N.Kniest, E.Pfaff,G.Reiter,S.Tharraketta and G.Clausnitzer Nucl. Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B5,1
Bae87 W.Y.Baek,G.H.Both,D.Gassen,W.Neuwirth and M.Zielinski Phys.Rev. A35,51
BB94 H.I.Bak,Y.D.Bae,C.S.Kim,M.S.Kim Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B93, 234
Bbi10 M.Barbui,D.Fabris,M.Lunardon,S.Moretto,G.Nebbia,S.Presente,G.Viesti, M.Cinausero,G.Prete,V.Rizzi,K.Hagel,S.Kowalski,J.B.Natowitz,L.Qin, R.Wada,Z.Chen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B268, 20
Bc05 M.Bianconi,N.P.Barradas,L.Correra Nucl.Instrum.Methods B239, 127
BC78 J.E.E.Baglin and W.K.Chu Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 149,695
Bd56 M.Bader,R.E.Pixley,F.S.Mozer and W.Whaling Phys.Rev. 103,32
Be80 A.A.Bednyakov,Yu.V.Bulgakov,V.S.Nikolaev and V.L.Chernov Sov.Phys.-JETP 51,954
Be81 A.A.Bednyakov,Yu.V.Bulgakov,V.S.Nikolaev and V.L.Chernov Phys.Status Solidi A68,187
Be86 A.A.Bednyakov,V.Y.Chumanov,O.V.Chumanova,G.A.Iferov,V.A.Khodyrev, A.F.Tulinov and Y.N.Zhukova Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B13,146 No stopping cross section data given!
Ben91 G.G.Bentini,M.Bianconi,R.Nipoti,F.Malaguti and E.Verondini Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B53,1
Ben93 G.G.Bentini,M.Bianconi and R.Nipoti Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B80,33
Ber69 F.Bernhard,U.Mueller-Jahrreiss,G.Rockstroh,S.Schwabe Phys.Stat.Solidi 35,285
Bez75 G.Betz, H.-J.Isele,E.Rössle and G.Hortig Nucl. Instrum. Methods 123, 83
BF09 M.Behar,R.C.Fadanelli,I.Abril,R.Garcia-Molina,C.D.Denton, L.C.C.M.Nagamine, N.R.Arista Phys. Rev. A80, 062901
BF86 J.P.Biersack,D.Fink,W.Miekeley and K.Tjan Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. B15,96
Bg00 M.Bergsmann,W.Raab,G.Schrenk,F.Kastner,R.D¡ez Muino,A.Arnau,A.Salin, P.Bauer, and P.M.Echenique Phys. Rev. B62, 3153
BG06 W.Y.Baek, B.Grosswendt, G.Willems Rad. Prot. Dosimetry 122, 32
BG65 W.Booth and I.S.Grant Nucl.Phys. 63,481
Bg67 G.F.Bogdanov,V.B.Kabaev,F.V.Lebedev and G.M.Novikov Sov.At.Energy 122,133
Bg98 M.Bergsmann,P.Hörlsberger,F.Kastner, and P.Bauer Phys. Rev. B58, 5139
Bh73 R.Behrisch and B.M.U.Scherzer Thin Solid Films 19,247
BH92 H.Bichsel and T.Hiraoka Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B66, 345
Bi00 R.Bimbot et al. Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B170,329
Bi78 R.Bimbot,S.Della Negra,D.Gardes and H.Gauvin Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 153,161
Bi80 R.Bimbot,D.Gardes,H.Geissel,T.Kitahara,P.Armbruster, A.Fleury,F.Hubert Nucl.Instrum.Methods 174, 231
Bi86 R.Bimbot,H.Gauvin,I.Orliange,R.Anne,G.Bastin and F.Hubert Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B17,1
Bi89a R.Bimbot,C.Cabot,D.Gardes,H.Gauvin,R.Hingmann,I.Orliange, Reilhac and F.Hubert Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B44,1
Bi89b R.Bimbot,C.Cabot,D.Gardes,H.Gauvin,I.Orliange, Reilhac, K.Subotic and F.Hubert Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B44,19
Bi90 R.Bimbot,H.Gauvin,J.Herault,R.Anne,G.Bastin and F.Hubert Radiat.Eff. 110,15 (1989) Similar to He88, two figures are bigger there. Numerical data in Ga87 and He91
Bi96 R.Bimbot et al. Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B107,9
Bia00 M.Bianconi et al. Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B161-163,293 For stopping results, see BN02
Bie72 D.J.Bierman and D. van Vliet Physica 57,221
Bj75 V.W.E.Burgess J.Phys.D: Appl. Phys. 8,782
Bk61 W.Barkas and S.von Friesen Nuovo Cim.Suppl. 19,41
BL74 A.Bontemps,E.Ligeon and J.Fontenille Rad. Effects 21,181
Bl80 R.Blume,W.Eckstein and H.Verbeek Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 168,57
Bla90 B.Blank,J.-J.Gaimard,H.Geissel,G.Monzberg,K.-H.Schmidt,H.Stelzer and K.Sommerer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B51,85
Blo80 G.Blondiaux,M.Valladon,K.Ishii,J.L.Debrun Nucl. Instr. Methods 168,29 No stopping powers given
BM73 W.Bauer and R.G.Musket J.Appl.Phys. 44,2606
Bm86 U.Bussmann,N.Hecking,K.F.Heidemann and E.Te Kaat Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B15,105
BN02 N.P.Barradas,C.Jeynes,R.P.Webb and E.Wendler Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B194,15
Bn80 K.Brunner,W.Hink,M.Roth Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 173,357
Bo72 J.A.Borders Radiat.Eff. 16,253
Bo74 J.A.Borders Radiat.Eff. 21,165
Bot85a G.Both,K.Lohmer,W.Neuwirth and R.Schmidt Radiat. Res. 101,60
Bot85b G.Both,R.Krotz,W.Neuwirth and R.Schmidt Radiat.Prot.Dosim. 13,75 Interpretation of earlier results in terms of molecular groups
Bp71 E.Bonderup and P.Hvelplund Phys.Rev. A4,562
BP79 R.B.Brown, D.Powers J.Appl.Phys. 50,5099
Br84a P.Bauer,F.Aumayr,D.Semrad and B.M.U.Scherzer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B1,1
Br84b P.Bauer,D.Semrad and R.Golser Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B2,149
Br86 P.Bauer and D.Semrad Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B13,201
Br90 P.Bauer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B45,673
Br92a P.Bauer, W. Rössler, P. Mertens Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B69,46
Br92b P.Bauer,F.Kastner,A.Arnau,A.Salin,P.D.Fainstein,V.H.Ponce and P.M.Echenique Phys. Rev. Letters 69, 1137 and personal communication from P. Bauer
Br94a P.Bauer,W.Käferböck,V.Necas Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B93,132
Bra97 F.Brandolini,NH.Medina,M.Depoli,P.Pavan,M.Wilhelm,A.Dewald,G.Pascovici Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B132,11
Brd67a L.B.Bridwell and C.D.Moak Phys.Rev. 156,242
Brd67b L.B.Bridwell,L.C.Northcliffe,S.Datz,C.D.Moak,H.O.Lutz Phys.Rev. 159,276
Bri92 M.A.Briere and J.P.Biersack Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B64,693
Brn72 M.D.Brown and C.D.Moak Phys.Rev. B6,90
Bs79 F.Besenbacher,H.H.Andersen,P.Hvelplund and H.Knudsen Mat.-Fys.Medd.K.Dan.Vidensk.Selsk 40,No.3
Bs81 F.Besenbacher,J.Bottiger,O.Graversen, and J.L.Hansen Nucl. Instr. Methods 188, 657
Bt65 K.Bethge and P.Sandner Phys.Lett. 19,241
Bt66 K.Bethge,P.Sandner and H.Schmidt Z.Naturforschung 21a,1052
Bu71 P.D.Bourland,W.K.Chu and D.Powers Phys.Rev. B3,3625
Bul74 Yu.V.Bulgakov,V,S.Nikolaev and V.I.Shulga Phys.Lett. 46A,477
Bv02 P.Baving,H.W.Becker,C.Rolfs,H.Zabel Nucl.Instr.Methods Phys.Res. B194,363
By55 J.E.Brolley and F.L.Ribe Phys.Rev. 98,1112
Ca78 A.Carnera,G.Della Mea,A.V.Drigo,S.Lo Russo,P.Mazzoldi,G.G.Bentini Phys.Rev. B17,3492
CA99 M.Chekirine, H.Ammi Radiation Measurements 30, 131
Can09 E.D.Cantero,R.C.Fadanelli,C.C.Montanari,M.Behar,J.C.Eckardt, G.H.Lantschner,J.E.Miraglia,N.R.Arista Phys. Rev. A79, 042904
Car73 G.W.Carriveau,G.Beauchemin,E.J.Knystautas,E.H.Pinnington and R.Drouin Phys.Lett. 46A,4
CB77 E.K.L.Chau,R.B.Brown,A.S.Lodhi,D.Powers,S.Matteson,S.R.Eisenbarth Phys. Rev. A16, 1407
Ce77 F.Cembali and F.Zignani Radiat.Eff. 31,169
CF00 A.Climent-Font,K.Väkeväinen,J.Räisänen,E.Rauhala Nucl.Instr.Methods Phys.Res. B161-163,101
CF98 A.Climent-Font,J.Räisänen,E.Rauhala Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys. Res. B136-138, 109
Ch68 W.K.Chu,P.D.Bourland,K.H.Wang and D.Powers Phys.Rev. 175,342
Ch69 W.K.Chu and D.Powers Phys.Rev. 187,478
Ch71 W.K.Chu and D.Powers Phys.Rev. B4,10
Ch73 W.K.Chu,J.F.Ziegler,I.V.Mitchell and W.D.Mackintosh Appl.Phys.Lett. 22,437
Ch78 W.K.Chu,M.Braun,J.A.Davies,N.Matsunami,D.A.Thompson Nucl. Instr. Meth. 149,115
CL09 E.D.Cantero,G.H.Lantschner,J.C.Eckardt,N.R.Arista Phys. Rev. A80, 032904
Cm66 J.R.Comfort,J.F.Decker,E.T.Lynk,M.O.Scully and A.R.Quinton Phys.Rev. 150,249
Cn72 G.L.Cano J.Appl.Phys. 43,1504
Co83 J.Conradie,J.Lombaard and E.Friedland Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 205,359
CP78a E.K.L. Chau,D.Powers,A.S.Lodhi,R.B.Brown J. Appl. Phys. 49, 2346
CP78b E.K.L. Chau and D. Powers J. Appl. Phys. 49, 2611
Cr42 C.M.Crenshaw Phys.Rev. 62,54
Ct54 A.B.Chilton,J.N.Cooper and J.C.Harris Phys.Rev. 93,413
Cu64 J.Cuevas,M.Garcia-Munoz,P.Torres, and S.K.Allison Phys.Rev. 135,A335
Cv79 V.Y.Chumanov,S.Z.Izmailov,G.P.Pokhil,E.I.Sirotonin,A.F.Tulinov Phys.Status Solidi A53,51
Da77 S.Datz,J.Gomez del Campo,P.F.Dittner,P.D.Miller and J.A.Biggerstaff Phys.Rev.Lett. 38,1145
De84 D.Desmarais and J.L.Duggan
Diw03 P.K.Diwan,S.Kumar,V.Sharma,S.K.Sharma,V.K.Mittal,B.Sannakki, R.D.Mathad,K.Uday Kumar,S.A.Khan,D.K.Avasthi Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. B201,389
Diw07 P.K.Diwan,V.Sharma,S.Kumar,V.K.Mittal,S.A.Khan,D.K.Avasthi Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. B 258, 293
Diw08 P.K.Diwan,V.Sharma,Pratibha,Shyam Kumar,S.A.Khan,D.K.Avasthi Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. B 266, 4738
Dm04 S.Damache,S.Ouichaoui,A.Belhout,A.Medouni,I.Toumert Nucl. Instrum. Methods B225, 449
Dm06 S.Damache,S.Ouichaoui,D.Moussa,A.Dib Nucl.Instrum.Methods B 249, 22
Do75 V.Dose and G.Sele Z.Phys. A272,237
Dr05 M.Draxler,S.P.Chenakin,S.N.Markin,P.Bauer Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 113201
Ds97 J.H.R.dos Santos,M.Behar,P.L.Grande,H.Boudinov,R.Stoll,Chr.Klatt, S.Kalbitzer Phys.Rev. B55, 13651
Du75 J.C.Duder,J.F.Clare,H.Naynor Nucl. Instrum. Methods 123, 89
Dwi98a K.K.Dwivedi,D.Sinha,S.Singh,A.Srivastava,D.K.Avasthi Radiation Measurements 28, 37
Dwi98b K.K.Dwivedi,A.Srivastava,S.Ghosh,D.Singh,S.Singh,D.K.Avasthi Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys. 36,361
Ec78 J.C.Eckardt Phys.Rev. A18,426
Ec84 J.C.Eckardt,G.H.Lantschner,M.M.Jakas and V.E.Ponce Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B2,168 No stopping cross section data given!
Ech14a A. Echler, P. Egelhof, P. Grabitz, H. Kettunen, S. Kraft-Bermuth, M. Laitinen, K. Muller, M. Rossi · W. H. Trzaska · A. Virtanen J Low Temp Phys (2014) 176:1033–1039
Ed97 K.Eder,D.Semrad,P.Bauer,R.Golser,P.Maier-Komor, F.Aumayr,M.Penalba,A.Arnau,J.M.Ugalde,P.M.Echenique Phys.Rev.Lett. 79,4112 Data reanalyzed by Dr05
Ef75 B.Efken,D.Hahn,D.Hilscher, and G. Wustefeld Nucl.Instr.Methods 129,219
Eh68 P.Ehrhart,W.Rupp and R.Sizmann Phys.Status Solidi 28,K35
Ep92 Ch.Eppacher,D.Semrad Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B69, 33 See also Ep94a
Ep94a Chr. Eppacher Ph.D.Thesis, Univ. of Linz, Austria, Schriften der Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz, Universitä tsverlag Rudolf Trauner (1995), and pers. comm.
Ep94b Ch.Eppacher,G.Zemsauer,D.Semrad Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B90, 92 See also Ep94a
Ep95 Ch.Eppacher, R.Diez Muino, D.Semrad, A.Arnau Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B96, 639 See also Ep94a
Er63 D.Ertel and K.Zimen Nukleonika 5,256
Fa66 B.Fastrup,P.Hvelplund and C.A.Sautter K.Dansk.Videnskab.Selskab Mat.-Fys. Medd. 35 no.10
Fa68 B.Fastrup,A.Borup and P.Hvelplund Canadian Journal of Physics 46,489
Fe75 J.S.-Y.Feng J.Appl.Phys. 46,444
Fer06 A.D.Fertman,T.Yu.Mutin,M.M.Basko,A.A.Golubev,T.V.Kulevoy, R.P.Kuybeda,V.I.Pershin,I.V.Roudskoy,B.Yu.Sharkov Nucl.Instrum.Methods B247, 199
Fg07 E.A.Figueroa,E.D.Cantero,J.C.Eckardt,G.H.Lantschner, J.E.Valdés,N.R.Arista Phys. Rev. A 75, 010901(R)
Fg87 K.Freitag,D.Reschke and E.Geyer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B27,344
Fi96 P.Fischer,Ch.Eppacher,G.Höfler, and D.Semrad Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B115, 27
Fk83 D.Fink,J.P.Biersack,M.Städele,K.Tjan and V.K.Cheng Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 218,817
Fm02 M.Fama,G.H.Lantschner,J.C.Eckardt,N.R.Arista,J.E.Gayone, E.Sanchez,F.Lovey Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys. Res. B193,91
Fn79 A.Fontell and M.Luomajävi Phys.Rev. B19,159
Fo72 C.Foster,W.H.Kool,W.van der Weg and H.E.Rosendaal Radiat.Eff. 16,139
Fom00 A.Formicola et al. Eur. Phys. J. A8,443
For79 F.Foroughi,B.Vuilleumier, and E.Bovet Nucl. Instrum. Methods 159,513 Not used since the meaning of Ep is not clear
Fr80 E.Friedland and J.M.Lombaard Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 168,25
Fry96 C.M.Frey,G.Dollinger,A.Bergmaier,T.Faestermann,P.Maier-Komor Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B107, 31
Fs76 J.S.Forster,D.Ward,H.R.Andrews,G.C.Ball,G.J.Costa,W.G.Davies, and I.V.Mitchell Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 136,349
FS80 R.W.Fearick and J.F.P.Sellschop Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 168,51
Ft04 H.O.Funsten,S.M.Ritzau,R.W.Harper,J.E.Borovsky,R.E.Johnson Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 213201 No stopping power data
Fu80 A.Fukuda Phys.Med.Biol. 25,877
Fu81 A.Fukuda Phys. Med. Biol. 26,623
Fu96 A.Fukuda J.Phys.B. At.Mol.Opt.Phys. 29,3717
Fu99 A.Fukuda J.Phys.B At. Mol.Opt.Phys. 32,153
Ga87 H.Gauvin,R.Bimbot,J.Herault,R.Anne,G.Bastin and F.Hubert Nucl.Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. B28,191
Ga90 H.Gauvin,R.Bimbot,J.Herault,B.Kubica,R.Anne,G.Bastin and F.Hubert Nucl.Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. B47,339
Gd98 D.Gardes,M.Chabot,M.Nectoux,G.Maynard,C.Deutsch,I.Roudskoi, Nucl.Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. A415,698
Ge85 P.Gehrmann,K.Lenkeit and R.Stolle Phys.Status Solidi B131,519
Gl90 R.Golser Ph.D.Thesis,Univ.Linz,(1991)
Gl91 R.Golser and D.Semrad Phys. Rev. Lett. 66,1831
Gl92a R.Golser,Ch.Eppacher and D.Semrad Nucl.Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. B67,69
Gl92b R.Golser and D.Semrad Nucl.Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. B69,18
Gm76 H.Grahmann and S.Kalbitzer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 132,119
GM78 I.Gertner,M.Meron,B.Rosner Phys. Rev. A18, 2022
Gn30 Ch.Gerthsen Ann.d.Physik 5,657 Ranges of H in air and H
Go67 S.Gorodetzky,A.Chevalier,A.Pape,J.Cl.Sens,A.M.Bergdolt,M.Bres, R.Armbruster Nucl.Phys. A91,133
Go69 S.Gorodetzky,A.Pape,E.L.Cooperman,A.Chevallier,J.C.Sens and R.Armbruster Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 70,11
Gr55 D.W.Green,J.N.Cooper and J.C.Harris Phys.Rev. 98,466
Gop96 P.Goppelt-Langer,S.Yamamoto,Y.Aoki,H.Takeshita,H.Naramoto Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B118,7
Gö13 D. Goebl, D. Roth, P. Bauer Phys. Rev. A 87, 062903
Gö14 D. Goebl, W. Roessler, D. Roth, and P. Bauer PHYSICAL REVIEW A 90, 042706 (2014)
Grf04 U.Greife et al. Nucl.Instrum.Methods B 217 (2004) 1
Gs77 H.Geissel,K.Güttner,S.Hofmann and G.Münzenberg Nucl. Instrum. Methods 144,465
Gs80 H.Geissel,P.Armbruster,T.Kitahara,G.Kraft,H.Spieler and K.Güner Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 170,217
Gs82a H.Geissel,Y.Laichter,W.F.W.Schneider and P.Armbruster Nucl. Instr. Meth. 194,21
Gs82b H.Geissel,Y.Laichter,W.F.W.Schneider and P.Armbruster Phys. Lett. 88A,26
Gs83a H.Geissel,Y.Laichter,W.F.W.Schneider and P.Armbruster Phys.Lett. 99,77 Contains only effective charges derived from Gs82
Gs83b H.Geissel,Y.Laichter,R.Albrecht,T.Kitahara,J.Klabunde, P.Strehl,P.Armbruster Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 206, 609
Gs85 H.Geissel,W.N.Lennard,H.R.Andrews,D.P.Jackson I.V.Mitchell, D.Philips and D.Ward Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res B12,38
Gs89 H.Geissel,W.N.Lennard and P.Armbruster Rad.Eff.and Defects in Solids,110,7
Gs98 H.Geissel. Pers.communication Data measured at UNILAC 1977-81, partly contained in Gs82b and Gs83b. Numerical data are given in the main list in
Gt62 Yu.Gott and V.G.Tel'kovskiy Radiotekh.Electron. 7,1956 [Engl.trans. Rad.Eng.and Electron.Phys. 7,1813]
Gt68 Yu.Gott and V.G.Tel'kovskiy Sov.Phys.-Solid State 9,1741
Gue14 A.Guesmia,H.Ammi,S.Mammeri,A.Dib,C.A.Pineda-Vargas, M.Msimanga,M.Hedibel Rad. Phys. and Chem. 96, 205
Ha75 J.M.Harris and M.-A.Nicolet Phys.Res. B11,1013
Hak02 A.Hakim,A.Fahli,M.Toulemonde,D.Leli‚vre Nucl.Instr.Methods Phys.Res. B187, 164
Han81 R.L.Hahn,K.S.Toth,R.L.Ferguson,F.Plasil Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 180, 581
Hau74 U.Hauser,W.Neuwirth,W.Pietsch,K.Richter Z. Physik 269, 181 Only a description of method
HB06 G.Hobler,K.K.Bourdelle,T.Akatsu Nucl.Instr.Methods B 242, 617
Hb72 J.S.Huebner and L.L.Skolil Am. J. Physics 40,1177
Hc91 N.Hecking Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B59/60,619
He88 J.Herault,R.Bimbot,H.Gauvin,R.Anne,G.Bastin and F.Hubert Journal de Physique Colloque, 49,C7-33 Similar to Bi90
He91 J.Herault,R.Bimbot,H.Gauvin,B.Kubica,R.Anne,G.Bastin and F.Hubert Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B61,156
Hg71 G.Högberg Phys.stat.sol. B48,829
Hh87 M.A.Harith,W.H.Osman,N.S.Gaafar and L.M.El-Nadi Thin Solid Films 149,219
Hi63 R.L.Hines Phys.Rev. 132,701
Hk94 V.Harikumar,A.P.Pathak,N.Nath,S.K.Sharma,A.Bhagwat,D.K.Avasthi Rad.Effects Defects in Sol. 132, 211
Hk96 V.Harikumar,A.P.Pathak,S.K.Sharma,Shyam Kumar,N.Nath, D.Kabiraj, D.K.Avasthi Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B108, 223
Hk97 V.Harikumar,A.P.Pathak,N.Nath,Shyam Kumar,S.K.Sharma,S.K.Hui, D.K.Avasthi Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B129, 143
Hkm87 H.H.Heckman,H.R.Bowman,Y.J.Karant,J.O.Rasmussen,A.I.Warwick, Z.Z.Xu Phys. Rev. A36, 3654
Hl74 D.Hildebrandt and U.Müller-Jahreis Int.J.Mass Spectrom. and Ion Physics 13, 177
HM49 T.Huus and C.B.Madsen Phys.Rev. 76,323
Hm62 M.N.Huberman Phys.Rev. 127,799
Hn78 C.Hanke and J.Laursen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 151,253
Hn96 D.W.Hetherington Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys. Res. B115, 319
HO00 Y.Hoshino,T.Okazawa,T.Nishii,T.Nishimura,Y.Kido Nucl.Instr.Methods Phys.Res. B171,409
Ho76 G.E.Hoffman and D.Powers Phys.Rev. A13,2042
Hof76 I.Hoffmann,E.Jäger and U.Müller-Jahreis Rad.Effects 31,57
Hoi76 A.l'Hoir,C.Cohen and G.Amsel in O.Meyer,G.Linker and F.Käppeler (edts): Ion Beam Surface Layer Analysis, Plenum, N.Y. 965
Hq85 A.K.M.M.Haque,A.Mohammadi and H.Nikjoo Rad. Prot. Dosimetry 13,71
Hq89 A.K.M.M.Haque,A.Mohammadi and H.Nikjoo J.Phys.D: Appl. Phys. 22,1196 Stopping results already given in Hq85
Hq91 A.K.M.M.Haque and H.Nikjoo Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 53, 15 Stopping results already given in Hq85
Hr71 U.Hoyer and H.Waffler Z.Nat.forsch. A26,592
Hs07 J.Y. Hsu, J.H. Liang, Y.C. Yu and K.M. Chen Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 256, 153
Hs65 K.Hosono,R.Ishiwari and Y.Uejura Bull.Inst.Chem.Res.Kyoto Univ. 43,323
Hs96 P.Haussalo,K.Nordlund, and J.Keinonen Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B111,1
Ht84 R.C.Haight and H.K.Vonach Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B1,9
Hu00 Bitao Hu, Ying Wu, Xiaodong Zhang, Ximen Cheng, Zhaoyuan Liu Nucl.Instr.Methods Phys.Res. B160, 195 Note that for C in Ni, the points in Fig. 1 appear to disagree with the numbers given in Table 1.
Hu98 Bitao Hu, Zhong Qi Nucl.Instr.Methods Phys.Res. B145, 288
Hu99 Bitao Hu, Zhaoyuan Liu, Zhong Qi Nucl.Instr.Methods Phys.Res. B149, 395
Hv68 P.Hvelplund and B.Fastrup Phys.Rev. 165,408
Hv71 P.Hvelplund Danske Videnskab.Selskab Mat.-fys. Medd. 38,4
Hw38 L.J.Haworth and L.D.P.King Phys.Rev. 54,48 Relative data
HY04 J.Y.Hsu,Y.C.Yu,J.H.Liang,K.M.Chen,H.Niu Nucl.Instrum.Methods B219-220, 251
HY05 J.Y.Hsu,Y.C.Yu,J.H.Liang,K.M.Chen Nucl.Instrum.Methods B241, 155
Ik96 A.Ikeda,K.Sumimoto,T.Nishioka,Y.Kido Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys. Res. B115,34
Is71 R.Ishiwari,N.Shiomi,T.Ghata and Y.Uemura Bull.Inst.Chem.Res.Kyoto Univ. 49,403
Is74 R.Ishiwari,N.Shiomi,S.Shirai and Y.Uemura Phys.Lett. A48,96
Is75a R.Ishiwari,N.Shiomi and S.Shirai Phys.Lett. A51,53
Is75b R.Ishiwari,N.Shiomi and R.Katayama-Kinoshita J.Phys.Soc.Japan 39,557
Is77a R.Ishiwari,N.Shiomi and S.Shirai Bull.Inst.Chem.Res.Kyoto Univ. 55,60
Is77b R.Ishiwari,N.Shiomi,T.Kinoshita and F.Yasue Bull.Inst.Chem.Res.Kyoto Univ. 55,68
Is79 R.Ishiwari,N.Shiomi and N.Sakamoto Phys.Lett. A75,112 This publication replaces measurements published earlier
Is82 R.Ishiwari,N.Shiomi and N.Sakamoto Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 194,61 Same data as in Is79
Is84 R.Ishiwari,N.Shiomi and N.Sakamoto Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B2,141
Is88a R.Ishiwari,N.Shiomi-Tsuda and N.Sakamoto Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B35,118
Is88b R.Ishiwari,N.Shiomi-Tsuda and N.Sakamoto Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B31,503 Same data as in Is79
Is90 R.Ishiwari,N.Shiomi-Tsuda,N.Sakamoto,H.Ogawa Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res B47, 111
Iw85 A.Iwase,S.Sasaki,T.Iwata and T.Nihira Journ.of the Phys.Soc.of Japan,54,No5,1750
Iz80 Sh.Z.Izmailow,E.I.Sirotonin and A.F.Tulinov Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 168,81
Jai89 R.K.Jain,S.K.Bose, and K.K.Dwivedi J.Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 22, 1025
Jav07 A. Javanainen, T. Malkiewicz, J. Perkowski, W. H. Trzaska, A. Virtanen, G. Berger, W. Hajdas, R. Harboe-Sörensen, H. Kettunen, V. Lyapin, M. Mutterer, A. Pirojenko, I. Riihimaki, T. Sajavaara, G. Tyurin, and H. J. Whitlow IEEE Trans. Nucl. Science 54, 1158
Jav09 A.Javanainen,M.Sillanpää,W.H.Trzska,A.Virtanen, et al. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Science 56, 2242
Jia99 W.Jiang,R.Grötzschel,W.Pilz,B.Schmidt, and W.Möller Phys.Rev. B59,226
Jia99a W.Jiang,R.Grötzschel,W.Pilz,B.Schmidt, and W.Möller Phys.Rev. B60,714, Erratum to Jia99 No correction to stopping data of Jia99 necessary
Jin93 C.W.Jin,X.T.Lu,X.J.Huang,Y.L.Ye,Z.H.Xia,H.T.Liu,D.X.Jiang Phys.Rev. B48,6858
Jn68 C.H.Johnson and R.L.Kernell Phys.Rev. 169,974
Jo71 A.Johansen,S.Steenstrup and T.Wohlenberg Radiat.Eff. 8,31
Jok97 J.Jokinen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B124,447
Js04 M.S.Janson,M.K.Linnarsson,A.Hallen,B.G.Svensson J. Appl. Phys. 96, 164
Kä97 W.Käferböck,W.R&oumssler,V.Necas,P.Bauer,M.Penalba,A.Arnau Phys. Rev. B55,13275
Kü81 E.Kührt,K.Lenkeit and F.Täubner Phys.Status Solidi A66,K131
Ka53 D.Kahn Phys.Rev. 90,503
Kc98 G.Konac,S.Kalbitzer,Ch.Klatt,D.Niemann,R,Stoll Nucl.Instr.Methods Phys. Res. B136-138, 159
Ke66 G.D.Kerr,L.M.Hairr,N.Underwood and A.W.Waltner Health Phys. 12,1475
Kei87 J.Keinonen,A.Kuronen,M.Hautala,V.Karttunen,R.Lappalainen and M.Uhrmacher Phys.Lett. A123,307 No experimental stopping data
Kei92 J.Keinonen,K.Arstila and P.Tikkanen Appl.Phys.Lett. 60,228
Kel73 J.G.Kelley,B.Sellers and F.A.Hanser Phys.Rev.B8,103
KF66 J.Kloppenburg,A.Flammersfeld Zeit. Physik 196, 424
Kh84 V.A.Khodyrev,V.N.Mizgulin,E.I.Sirotonin and A.F.Tulinov Radiat.Eff. 83,21
Kha01 D.T.Khating,S.P.Tripathy,R.Mishra,B.K.Verma, and K.K.Dwivedi Radiation Measurements 34, 305
Ki83 Y.Kido and T.Hioki Phys.Rev. B27,2667
Kim80 Yong-Ki Kim and Kwok-tsang Cheng Phys.Rev. A22,61
KK62 D.Kamke and P.Kramer Zeit. f. Physik 168, 465
Kl79 J.Kliwer and A.El Fiqi IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci. 26,1323
Kn80 H.Knudsen,H.H.Andersen and V.Martini Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 168,41
Kny06 G.N.Knyazheva,S.V.Khlebnikov,E.M.Kozulin,T.E.Kuzmina, V.G.Lyapin,M.Mutterer,J.Perkowski,W.H.Trzaska Nucl.Instrum.Methods B248, 7
Ko74 H.Kamitsubo Oyo Buturi (Japan) 43, 1019 Obtained from J.F.Ziegler
Kr82 S.Kreussler,C.Varelas and R.Sizmann Phys.Rev. B26,6099
Ks89 A.Z.Kiss,E.Somorjai,J.Räisänen and E.Rauhala Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B39,15
Kt83a Th.Krist and P.Mertens Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 218,790
Kt83b Th.Krist and P.Mertens Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 218,821 Title of paper: "Stopping Ratios"
Kt84 Th.Krist and P.Mertens Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 230,119
Ku88 A.Kuronen,J.Räisänen,J.Keinonen,P.Tikkanen, and E.Rauhala Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B35,1 and pers. comm. From J.Räisänen
Ku91 A.Kuronen Comment.Phys.-Math. 122,1
Kul98 A.Kulshreshta,S.Ghosh, and K.K.Dwivedi J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 31, 498
Kul99 A.Kulshreshta,C.Laldawngliana,R.Mishra,S.Ghosh, K.K.Dwivedi,R.Brandt, and D.Fink Rad.Effects Defects Solids 147,151
Kum97 S.Kumar,S.K.Sharma,N.Nath,V.H.Kumar,A.P.Pathak,S.K.Hui, D.Kabiraj,D.K.Avasthi Vacuum 48, 1027
Kum97 S.Kumar,S.K.Sharma,N.Nath,V.H.Kumar,A.P.Pathak,S.K.Hui, D.Kabiraj,D.K.Avasthi Vacuum 48,1027 No stopping data, only references to previous publications
Kz80 R.Kreutz,W.Neuwirth and W.Pietsch Phys.Rev. A22,2598
La72 R. Langley Phys. Rev. A6, 1863
La75 R.Langley Phys.Rev. B12,3575
La76 R.Langley and R.Blewer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 132,109
Lb77 I.KH.Lemberg and A.A.Pasternack Nucl.Instrum.Methods 140,71
LB94 L.LeBlanc,G.G.Ross Nucl.Instrum.Meth. Phys.Res. B90,54
LB95 L.LeBlanc,G.G.Ross,W.E.Wallace Nucl.Instrum.Meth. Phys.Res. B95,457
LCT04 M.M.Li,D.J.Connor,H.Timmers Nucl.Instrum.Methods B222,11
Ld80 D.J.Land,D.G.Simons,J.G.Brennan, and M.D.Brown Phys. Rev. A22, 68 Results are contained also in Ld85
Ld85 D.J.Land,D.G.Simons,J.G.Brennan and G.A.Glass Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res.B10/11, 234 For final values, see personal communication Ld92
Ld92 D.J.Land Pers. comm. to H.Paul For gas targets, see also Pr93
Le68 E.Leminen,A.Fontell and M.Bister Ann.Acad.Sci.Fenn. AVI. Phys.
Le71 E.Leminen and A.Anttila Ann.Acad.Sci.Fenn. A VI. Phys. 370
Le72 E.Leminen Ann.Acad.Sci.Fenn. A VI. Phys. 386 Relative data
Le74 E.Leminen and A.Fontell Radiat.Eff. 22,39
Len83 W.N.Lennard,H.R.Andrews,B.Dube,M,Freeman,I.V.Mitchell, D.Phillips and D.Ward Nucl.Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. 205,351
Len86 W.Lennard,H.Geissel,D.Jackson and D.Phillips Nucl.Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. B13,127
Len87 W.N.Lennard and H.Geissel Nucl.Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. B27,338
Len99 W.N.Lennard,G.R.Massoumi,T.W.Simpson,I.V.Mitchell Nucl.Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. B152,370 No stopping results given
Lg76 E.Ligeon and A.Guivarc'h Radiat.Eff. 27,129 #BEZUG!
LH84 A.L'Hoir and D.Schmaus Nucl. Instr. Methods B4,1
LH87 S.R.Lee and R.R.Hart Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B28,470
Li73a U.K.Lin,H.G.Olson and D.Powers J.Appl.Phys. 44,3631
Li73b U.K.Lin,H.G.Olson and D.Powers Phys.Rev. B8,1881
Li74 W.K.Lin,S.Matteson and D.Powers Phys.Rev. B10,3746
Li86 H.H.Lin,L.W.Li and E.Norbeck Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B17,91
Lig00 R.Liguri Neto,N.Added,F.A.S.Coutinho Nucl. Instrum. Methods B161-163,159 and pers. comm. from Dr. Neto, 15 Jul 05
Lin07 R.Linares,J.A.Freire,R.V.Ribas,N.H.Medina,J.R.B.Oliveira, E.W.Cybulska,W.A.Seale,N.Added,M.A.G.Silveira,K.T.Wiedemann Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 263, 345
Lin09 R.Linares,J.A.Freire,R.V.Ribas,N.H.Medina,J.R.B.Oliveira, W.A.Seale,E.W.Cybulska,K.T.Wiedemann,P.R.Allegro,D.L.Toufen AIP Conf. Proceedings 1139, 162
Liu96 Jiarui Liu,Zongshuang Zheng,Wei-Kan Chu Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B118,24
LiX01a Xiangdong Liu,Pijun Liu,Yueyuan Xia,Ruijing Wang, Yuchen Ma,Mingwen Zhao,Jianhua Zhang Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B174, 1
LiX01b Xiangdong Liu,Yueyuan Xia,Pijun Liu,Mingwen Zhao, Ruijing Wang,Yuchen Ma,Lei Wang Phys. Lett. A280, 58
LiX02a Xiangdong Liu,Pijun Liu,Feng Chen,Mingwen Zhao,Yuchen Ma, Minju Ying,Jianhua Zhang,Qingming Lu,Chunsheng Wang Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B187, 431
LiX02b Xiangdong Liu,Yueyuan Xia,Feng Li,Minju Ying,Mingwen Zhao, Boda Huang,Changchun Li,Yinghong Liu Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B197, 17
LiX04a Xiangdong Liu,Yueyuan Xia,Feng Li,Zhenyu Tan,Mingwen Zhao, Xiangang Xu,Boda Huang Appl. Surface Sci. 228,77
LiX04b Xiangdong Liu,Yueyuan Xia,Qingming Lu,Feng Li,Boda Huang Mater. Science and Eng. B106, 105
LiX04c Xiangdong Liu,Yueyuan Xia,Feng Li,Qingming Lu,Boda Huang Nucl.Instrum.Methods B222, 311
Ln59 D.C.Lorents and E.J.Zimmerman Phys.Rev. 113,1199
Lo83 J.Lombaard,J.Conradie and E.Friedland Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 216,293
LP74 A.S.Lodhi and D.Powers Phys. Rev. A10, 2131
Lr78 A.Lurio,J.F.Ziegler and J.J.Cuomo Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 149,155
Lt04 G.H.Lantschner,J.C.Eckardt,A.F.Lifschitz,N.R.Arista, L.L.Araujo,P.F.Duarte,J.H.dosSantos,M.Behar, J.F.Dias,P.L.Grande,C.C.Montanari,J.E.Miraglia Phys. Rev. A69, 62903
Lu76 M.Luomajärvi,A.Fontell and M.Bister Ion Beam Surface Layer Analysis,Plenum New York,p.75
Lu79 M.Luomajärvi Radiat.Eff. 40,173
Lul00 G.Lulli,E.Albertazzi,M.Bianconi,G.G.Bentini,R.Nipoti, R.Lotti Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 170, 1 For stopping results, see BN02
LuX00 Xiting Lu,Zonghuang Xia,Tao Zheng,Yixiong Shen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B168,287
LuX04 Xiting Lu,Tao Zheng,Zonghuang Xia,Dingyu Shen Appl. Surface Science 221,10
LuX89 Xiting Lu,Zonghuang Xia,Dingyu Shen,Lian Mao,Xuemei Wang Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B36,350
LuX91 Xiting Lu,Zonghuang Xia,Kungang Zhou,Changwen Jin, Xihong Yang,Hongtao Liu,Dongxing Jiang and Yanlin Ye Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B58,280
LX04 W.N.Lennard,H.Xia,J.K.Kim Nucl. Instrum. Methods B215, 297 and pers. comm. from W.N.Lennard
Mö02 S.P. Möller, A. Csete, T. Ichioka, H. Knudsen, U.I. Uggerhoj, and H.H. Andersen Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 193201, and pers. comm. from S.P.M"ller (see also An02)
Mö04 S.P. Möller, A. Csete, T. Ichioka, H. Knudsen, U.I. Uggerhoj, and H.H. Andersen Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 042502, and pers. comm. from S.P.M"ller
Ma07 L.Ma,Y.Wang,J.Xue,Q.Chen,W.Zhang,Y.Zhang J. Appl. Physics 102, 084702 No stopping powers given
Ma78 R.E.Marshall,A.R.El Fiqi and J.K.Kliwer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 150,241
Mai04 M. Maier, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Giessen taken from Fet06
Mar62 E.W.Martin and L.C.Northcliffe Phys.Rev.128,1166 (No graphs for C on CH4, He)
Mc66 J.R.Macdonald,J.H.Ormrod and H.E.Duckworth Z.Nat.forsch. 21A,130
Md48 C.B.Madsen and P.Ventkatesvarlu Phys.Rev. 74,648
Md53 C.B.Madsen Mat.-Fys.Medd.K.Dan.Vidensk.Selsk. 27,no.13
MD70 T.T.H.Mai and R.Drouin Nucl. Instr. Methods 87,297
Me78 P.Mertens Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 149,149
Me79 P.Mertens Phys.Rev. A19,1442
Me80 P.Mertens and Th.Krist Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 168,33 "Title of paper: Stopping Ratios"
Me82a P.Mertens and Th.Krist Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 194,57
Me82b P.Mertens and Th.Krist J.Appl.Phys. 53,7343
Me82c P.Mertens and Th.Krist Phys.Rev. B25,5591
Me88 P.Mertens and P.Bauer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B33,133
Mh65 R.D.Moorhead J.Appl.Phys. 36,391
Mi90 C.Mitterschiffthaler and P.Bauer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B48,58
Miz13 K.Mizohata,J.Räisänen,J.Keinonen,E.Härkönen,J.Palmans,M.Ritala Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 300, 1 The data are already shown in TEC13.
Mj88 V.D.Majackij and N.N.Pucherov Ukrainskij fiziceskij Zurnal 33, 1285
Mk07 S.Markin, Dissertation, Univ. of Linz
Mk08 S.N.Markin,D.Primetzhofer,S.Prusa,M.Brunmayr,G.Kowarik,F.Aumayr, and P.Bauer Phys. Rev. B78, 195122
Mk09a S.N.Markin,D.Primetzhofer and P. Bauer Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 113201
Mk09b S.N.Markin,D.Primetzhofer,M.Spitz, P.Bauer Phys.Rev. B80, 205105
Ml75 J.D.Melvin and T.A.Tombrello Radiat.Eff. 126,113
Mo68 A.H.Morton,D.A.Aldcroft and M.F.Payne Phys.Rev. 165,415
Mok64 C.D.Moak Nucl. Instr. Methods 28, 155
Mok66 C.D.Moak and M.D.Brown Phys. Rev. 149, 244
Mon08 C.C. Montanari, J.E. Miraglia, M. Behar, P.F. Duarte, N.R. Arista, J.C. Eckardt, and G.H. Lantschner Phys. Rev. A 77, 042901
Mö02 S.P. Möller, A. Csete, T. Ichioka, H. Knudsen, U.I. Uggerhoj, H.H. Andersen Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 193201, and pers. comm. from S.P.Möller (see also An02)
Mö04 S.P. Möller, A. Csete, T. Ichioka, H. Knudsen, U.I. Uggerhoj, H.H. Andersen Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 042502, and pers. comm. from S.P.Möller
MP07 J.Miranda,J.C.Pineda Nucl.Instrum.Methods B 254, 39
Mr68 K.Morita,H.Akimune,T.Suita J.Phys.Soc.Japan 25,1525
Ms66 D.L.Mason,R.M.Prior and A.R.Quinton Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 45,41
Msi09 M. Msimanga, C.M. Comrie, C.A. Vineda-Vargas, S. Murray, R. Bark, G. Dollinger Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 267, 2671
Mt76 S.Matteson,E.K.L.Chau and D.Powers Phys.Rev. A14,169
Mt77 S.Matteson,D.Powers and E.K.L.Chau Phys.Rev. A15,856
Mt78 S.Matteson,J.M.Harris,R.Pretorius and M.-A.Nicolet Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 149,163
MT95 G.Martinez-Tamayo,J.C.Eckardt,G.H.Lantscher,N.R.Arista Phys.Rev. A51, 2285
MT96 G.Martinez-Tamayo,J.C.Eckardt,G.H.Lantscher,N.R.Arista Phys.Rev. A54, 3131
Mu96 F.Munnik,A.J.M.Plompen,J.Räisänen,U.Wätjen Nucl.Instrum.Meth. Phys.Res. B119,445
Mu97 F.Munnik,A.J.M.Plompen,J.Räisänen,U.Wätjen AIP Conf. Proc. 392, 1385
Mu99 F.Munnik,K.Väkeväinen,J.Räisänen,U.Wätjen J.Appl.Phys. 86,3934
Na68 H.Nakata Can.J.Phys. 46,2765 and Erratum: Can.J.Phys.48(1970)1744
Na69 H.Nakata Can.J.Phys. 47,2545
Na71 H.Nakata Phys.Rev. B3,2847
Nan02 N. Nankov, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Giessen taken from Fet06
Nc93 V.Necas,W.Käferböck,W.Rössler,P.Bauer Nucl.Instr.Methods Phys.Res. B80/81, 41
Nd77 V.B.Ndocko-Ndongue,A.J.Pape and R.Armbruster Rad.Eff. 33,91
Ne69 W.Neuwirth,U.Hauser,E.Kühn Z. Physik 220, 241
Ne75a W.Neuwirth,W.Pietsch,K.Richter and U.Hauser Z. Physik A 275, 209
Ne75b W.Neuwirth,W.Pietsch,K.Richter and U.Hauser Z. Physik A 275, 215 Element data contained in Ne75a
Ne76 W.Neuwirth, W.Pietsch, U.Hauser ZAED Physik Daten 2-1
Ne78 W.Neuwirth,W.Pietsch,R.Kreutz Nucl.Instr.Methods 149, 105
Ne87 W.Neuwirth Nucl.Instr.Methods Phys.Res. B27,335
Ni61 L.P.Nielsen Mat.-Fys.Medd.K.Dan.Vidensk.Selsk. 33,no.6
Nig01 M.Nigam,J.L.Duggan,M.El Bounanani,C.Yang,S.A.Datar,S.Matteson,F.D.McDaniel AIP Conf. Proceedings 576, 25
Nig04 M.Nigam,J.L.Duggan,M.El Bounanani,C.Yang,G.V.Ravi Prasad,E.D.Sosa,S.Matteson, F.D.McDaniel Nucl.Instrum.Methods B219-220, 273
Nk93 D.Novkovic,K.Subotic,M.Stojanovic,Z.Milosevic,S.Manic,D.Paligoric J. Moscow Phys. Soc. 3, 209
Nm96 D.Niemann, G.Konac, S.Kalbitzer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B118,11 and B124 (1997)646
No75 A.Nomura and S.Kiyono J.Phys.D:Appl.Phys. 8,1551
Ns75 F.G.Neskev,A.A.Puzanov,K.S.Shyshkin,E.I.Sirotinin,A.F.Tulinov, G.D.Kedmanov, Rad. Effects 25,271
Nu78 S.Nasu,K.Ozawa,K.Shiozawa,K.Kawatsura and T.Kurasawa J. Nucl. Materials 73,213
Ny78 A.R.Nyaiesh,W.Steckelmacher and M.W.Lucas J.Phys.C,Solid State Phys. 11,2917
Ob82 J.C.Oberlin,A.Amokrane,H.Beaumevieille and J.P.Stoquert J.Physique 43,485
Og88 K.Ogino,T.Kiyosawa and T.Kiuchi Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B33,155
Ol62 J.C.Overley and W.Whaling Phys.Rev. 128,315
Op75 T.R.Ophel and G.W.Kerr Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 128,149
OP81 H.G.Olson, D.Powers J. Appl. Phys. 52, 564
Or63 J.H.Ormrod,H.E.Duckworth Can.J.Phys. 41,1424
Or65 J.H.Ormrod,J.R.Mac Donald and H.E.Duckworth Can.J.Phys. 43,275
Or68 J.H.Ormrod Can.J.Phys. 46,497
Or71 J.H.Ormrod Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 95,49
Ou95 S.Ouichaoui, L.Rosier, E.Hourany, R.Bimbot, N.Redjal, H.Beaumevieille Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B95, 463
Ov79 S.H.Overbury,P.F.Dittner,S.Datz and R.S.Thoe Radiat.Eff. 41,219
Ox93 OBELIX collaboration, Adamo et al Nuclear Physics A558,665
Pa63 J.T.Park and E.J.Zimmerman Phys.Rev. 131,1611
Pa65 J.T.Park Phys.Rev. 138,1317
Pap78 H.Pape,H.G.Clerc and K.H.Schmidt Z.f. Physik A286,159 According to H. Geissel, foil thicknesses could not be carefully measured since foils were lost after energy loss measurements
Pe81 J.D.Pearce and R.R.Hart J.Appl.Phys. 52,5056
Pen01 M.Penalba,J.I.Juaristi,E.Zarate,A.Arnau, and P.Bauer Phys.Rev.A64,012902
Per05 J.Perkowski,W.H.Trzaska,J.Andrzejewski,V.Lyapin,T.Malkiewicz Nucl.Instrum.Methods B240, 333
Per06 J.Perkowski,J.Andrzejewski,A.Climent-Font,G.Knyazheva,V.Lyapin, T.Malkiewicz,A.Munoz-Martin,W.H.Trzaska Nucl.Instrum.Methods B 249, 55
Per08 J.Perkowski,J.Andrzejewski,A.Javanainen,T.Malkiewicz,K.Sobczak, A.Virtanen,W.H.Trzaska Acta Phys. Polonica B 39, 507
Per09 J.Perkowski,J.Andrzejewski,A.Javanainen,W.H.Trzaska,T.Malkiewicz, K.Sobczak,A.Virtanen Vacuum 83, S73
Ph53 J.A.Phillips Phys.Rev. 90,532 All measurements were found by AZ77 to be 5-10 percent too low, but this result was not found in our own investigation. The discrepancy might be the consequence of different normalisation.
PH77 A.Pape,M.Hage-Ali,M.Refaei,P.Siffert and E.L.Cooperman Rad. Effects 33,193
Pi68 T.E.Pierce and M.Blann Phys.Rev.173,390 Points marked"a" and"b" removed
Pl61 R.B.J.Palmer Proc.Phys.Soc. 78,766 Probably replaced by Pl73,Pl78,Pl80,Ak80a
Pl66 R.B.J.Palmer Proc. Phys. Soc. 87,681 Some data are republished in Pl73
Pl73 R.B.J.Palmer J.Phys.B: Atom.Molec.Phys. 6,384
Pl78 R.B.J.Palmer and A.Akhavan-Rezayat J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys. 11,605
Pl80 R.B.J.Palmer and A.Akhavan-Rezayat, Editors: Booz,Ebert and Hartfield Seventh Symposium on Microdosimetry,Oxford,p.243
PM70 L.E.Porter,L.C.McIntyre,W.Haeberli Nucl.Instrum.Meth. 89,237
PN78 L.E.Porter,H.Naylor and J.C.Duder Nucl. Instrum. Methods 155,25
Pn96 I.Paulini,W.Heiland,A.Arnau,E.Zarate,P.Bauer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys. Res. B118,39
Po59 D.I.Porat and K.Ramavataram Proc.R.Soc.Lond. A252,394
Po60 D.I Porat and K.Ramavataram Proc.Phys.Soc. 77,97
Po61 D.I.Porat and K.Ramavataram Proc.Phys.Soc. 78,1135
Por02 L.E.Porter,J.Räisänen and F.Munnik Int.J.Quantum Chem. 90,1368 Contains only a selection of the data published already by Mun99
Pp96 A.J.M.Plompen,F.Munnik,J.Räisänen,U.Wätjen J.Appl.Phys. 80,3147
Pr11a D.Primetzhofer,S.N.Markin,P.Bauer Nucl. Instrum. Methods B269, 2063
Pr11b D.Primetzhofer,S.Rund,D.Roth,D.Goebl,P.Bauer Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 163201
Pr12 D.Primetzhofer Phys. Rev. B86, 094102
Pr13a D.Primetzhofer,D.Goebl,P.Bauer Nucl. Instrum. Methods B317, 8 The data are contained in Pr11b
Pr13b D.Primetzhofer Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 315, 26
Pr14 D.Primetzhofer Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 320, 100
Pr91 Jack L.Price,Stanley H.Stern,Donald G.Simons,David J.Land and James G.Brennan Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B56/57,348 Note: Data are contained in Pr93
Pr93 J.L.Price,D.G.Simons,S.H.Stern,D.J.Land,N.A.Guardala,J.G.Brennan, M.F.Stumborg Phys. Rev. A47, 2913
Pra08 Pratibha,V.Sharma,P.K.Diwan,S.Kumar,S.A.Khan,D.K.Avasthi Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 266, 2556
Ps02 C.Pascual-Izarra,M.Bianconi,G.Lulli,C.Summonte Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. B196,209
Ps04a C.Pascual-Izarra,M.Bianconi,N.P.Barradas,A.Climent-Font,G.Garcia, J.Gonzalo,C.N.Afonso Nucl.Instrum.Methods B219-220, 268
Ps04b C.Pascual-Izarra,G.Garcia Nucl. Instr. Methods B225, 383 (Pers. comm. from C.P-I) results contained in Ps05b
Ps05a C.Pascual-Izarra,G.Garcia Nucl. Instr. Methods B228, 388 (Pers. comm. from C.P-I) results contained in Ps05b
Ps05b C.Pascual-Izarra,N.P.Barradas,G.Garcia,A.Climent-Font Nucl.Instrum.Methods B239, 135
PT04 L.E.Porter,W.H.Trzaska,J.Räisänen, V.Lyapin J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, 7663
Pt76 W.Pietsch,U.Hauser and W.Neuwirth Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 132,79
Pu79 N.N.Pucherov and T.D.Chesnokova Ukr.Fiz.Zh. 24,372
Pw68 D.Powers,W.K.Chu and P.D.Bourland Phys.Rev. 165,376
Pw72 D.Powers,W.K.Chu,R.J.Robinson, and A.S.Lodhi Phys. Rev. A6,1425
Pw80 D.Powers and H.G.Olson J.Chem.Phys. 73,2271
Pw84 D.Powers,H.G.Olson, and R.Gowda J.Appl.Phys. 55,1274
Rä03 J.Räisänen,W.H.Trzska,T.Alanko,V.Lyapin,L.E.Porter J.Applied Phys. 94,2080
Rä87a J.Räisänen and E.Rauhala Phys.Rev. B35,1426 Only energy loss, no stopping power
Rä87b J.Räisänen and E.Rauhala Phys.Rev. B36,9776
Rä89 J.Räisänen and E.Rauhala Radiation Eff. and Def. in Solids 108,21
Rä90 J.Räisänen and E.Rauhala Phys. Rev. B41,3951
Rä91 J.Räisänen,E.Rauhala,M.Björnberg,A.Z.Kiss and J.Dominguez Rad.Eff.and Defects in Solids,118,2,97
Rä94a J.Räisänen,E.Rauhala,Zs.Fülöp,A.Z.Kiss,E.Somorjai and I.Hunyadi Radiation Measurements 23,749
Rä94b J.Räisänen, E.Rauhala Rad.Eff.and Defects in Solids,128,163
Rä96 J.Räisänen,U.Wätjen,A.J.M.Plompen, and F.Munnik Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys.Res. B118,1
Ra85 E.Rauhala and J.Räisänen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B12,321 Results included in Ra88a
Ra87 E.Rauhala and J.Räisänen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B24/25,362
Ra88a E.Rauhala and J.Räisänen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B35,130
Ra88b E.Rauhala and J.Räisänen Phys.Rev. B37,9249
Ra90 E.Rauhala and J.Räisänen Phys.Rev. B42,3877
Ra92 E.Rauhala,J.Räisänen,Zs.Fülöp,A.Z.Kiss,I.Hunyadi Nucl.Tracks Rad.Meas. 20,611
Rd80 I.Reid and P.J.Scalon Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 170,211 No stopping cross section data given!
Re87 G.Reiter,H.Baumgart,N.Kniest,E.Pfaff and G.Clausnitzer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B27,287
Re90a G.Reiter,N.Kniest,E.Pfaff and G.Clausnitzer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B44,399
Re90b G.Reiter,E.Pfaff and G.Clausnitzer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B51,320
Rea87 P.M.Read,C.J.Sofield,N.E.B.Cowern,L.B.Bridwell Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B29,583
RG01 F. Raiola, G.Gyürky, et al. Eur. Phys. J. A 10, 487
Ri03 R.V.Ribas,N.H.Medina,N.Added,J.R.B.Olivieira,E.W.Cybulska,M.N.Rao, W.A.Seale,F.Brandolini,M.A.Rizzutto,J.A.Alc ntara-N£nez Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B211, 453
Ri80 R.V.Ribas,W.A.Seale,W.M.Roney and E.M.Szanto Phys.Rev. A21,1173 Rather thick foils
Ri83 R.V.Ribas,W.A.Seale, and M.N.Rao Phys. Rev. A28, 3234 Note that the values in Table 1 are erroneous (pers. comm.)
Ri95 R.V.Ribas,N.H.Medina,M.N.Rao,E.W.Cybulska,W.A.Seale Phys. Rev. A51, 2634
Rj96 M.Rajatora,K.Väkeväinen,T.Ahlgren,E.Rauhala,J.Räisänen,K.Rakennus Nucl.Instrum.Meth. Phys.Res. B119,457
Rl60 P.G.Roll and F.E.Steigert Nucl.Phys. 17,54
Rm69 J.J.Ramirez,R.M.Prior,J.B.Swint,A.R.Quinton,R.A.Blue Phys. Rev. 179, 310
Rn53 H.K.Reynolds,D.N.F.Dunbar,W.A.Wenzel and W.Whaling Phys.Rev. 92,742
Ro28 S.Rosenblum,Salomon Phys. 10,408
Rr88 M.Reier Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B30,503
Rt13 D.Roth,D.Goebl,D.Primetzhofer,P.Bauer Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 137, 61
Rt72 F.W.Reuter III and H.P.Smith Jr. J.Appl.Phys. 43,4228 The stopping power for Ta2O5 seems wrong
Ru78 N.Rud,J.Bottiger and P.S.Jensen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 151,247
Sö73 H.Sörensen and H.H.Andersen Phys.Rev. B8,1854
Sü91 V.Schüle and S.Kalbitzer Z.Phys. A340,219
Sa79 D.C.Santry and R.D.Werner IEEE Trans.Nucl.Science NS-26,No1,1335 Replaced by Sa84b, Sa91, Sa92 acc. to Santry, pers. comm.
Sa80a D.C.Santry and R.D.Werner Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 178,523
Sa80b D.C.Santry and R.D.Werner Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 178,531
Sa81a D.C.Santry and R.D.Werner Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 188,211
Sa81b D.C.Santry and R.D.Werner Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 185,517
Sa84a D.C.Santry and R.D.Werner Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B1,13
Sa84b D.C.Santry and R.D.Werner Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B5,449 Every second point omitted
Sa86 D.C.Santry and R.D.Werner Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B14,169
Sa91 D.C.Santry and R.D.Werner Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B53,7 Every second point omitted
Sa92 D.C.Santry and R.D.Werner Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B69,167 Every second point omitted
SB76 B.M.U.Scherzer,P.Börgesen,M.-A.Nicolet,J.W.Mayer in: O.Meyer,G.Linker,F.Kappeler(Ed.): Ion Beam Surface Layer Analysis,33 The SiO2 and Ta2O5 data appear normalized wrongly
Sb94a C.Scheidenberger,H.Geissel,Th.Stöhlker,H.Folger, H.Irnich, C.Kozhuharov,A.Magel,PH.Mokler,R.Moshammer,G.Münzenberg,F.Nickel, M.Pfützner,P.Rymuza,W.Schwab,J.Ullrich and B.Voss Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B90,36 Numerical results given in Sb94b
Sb94b C.Scheidenberger,H.Geissel,H.H.Mikkelsen,F.Nickel,T.Brohm,H.Folger, H.Irnich,A.Magel,M.F.Mohar,G.Münzenberg,M.Pf%uuml;tzner,E.Roeckl,I.Schall, D.Schardt,K.-H.Schmidt,W.Schwab,M.Steiner,Th.Stöhlker,K.Sümmerer, D.J.Vieira,B.Voss and M.Weber Phys.Rev.Lett. 73,50
Sc82 F.Schulz and W.Brandt Phys.Rev. B26, 4864
Sc85 F.Schulz and J.Shchuchinsky Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B12,90
Sch90 Th.Schwab,H.Geissel,P.Armbruster,A.Gillibert,W.Mittig, R.E.Olson,K.B.Winterbon,H.Wollnik and G.Muuml;nzenberg Nucl Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B48,69
Scm98 O.Schmelmer,G.Dollinger,C.M.Frey,A.Bergmaier,S.Karsch Nucl Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B146,95
Sd74 H.Schmidt-Böcking,G.Rühle and K.Bethge Nucl.Instrum.Methods 118,357
Sd75 H.Schmidt-Böcking,G.Rühle and K.Bethge Atomic collisions in solids, Vol 1,77
Se83 D.Semrad,P.Bauer,F.Aumayr,P.Huber and W.Obermann Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 218,811
Se86a D.Semrad,P.Mertens,P.Bauer Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B15,86
Se86b D.Semrad,P.Bauer,K.Eder and W.Obermann Rev.Sci.Instrum. 57,1368
Se87 D.Semrad,N.Ramaseder,L.Palmetshofer and P.Bauer Radiat.Eff. 104,67
Se88 D.Semrad unpublished
Se90a D.Semrad,C.Eppacher and R.Tober Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B48,79 and C.Eppacher, diploma thesis, Univ. of Linz (1989) Every second point omitted
Se90b D.Semrad Pers. Communication
Sf78 C.J.Sofield,N.E.B.Cowern,R.J.Petty,J.M.Freeman and J.P.Mason Phys.Rev.A17,859
Sg76 R.Skoog and K.Augenlicht-Jakobsson Radiat.Eff. 27,143
SH73 B.Sellers,F.A.Hanser,J.G.Kelley Phys. Rev. B8, 98
Sh84 J.Shchuchinsky and C.Peterson Radiat.Eff. 81,221-229 The heavy ion data given here are identical to those in Sc82
Sha73 K.C.Shane and G.G.Seaman Phys.Rev.B8,86
She00a Yixiong Shen, Xiting Lu, Zonghuang Xia, Dingyu Shen, Dongxing Jiang Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B160,11
She00b Yixiong Shen, Dongxing Jiang, Xiting Lu, Zonghuang Xia, Dingyu Shen Nucl. Science and Techniques 11, 109
Shk96 Shyam Kumar,S.K.Sharma,N.Nath,V.Harikumar,A.P.Pathak,D.Kabiraj, D.K.Avasthi Rad. Eff. Defects in Sol. 139, 197
Shn73 R.Shnidman,R.M.Taphorn and K.N.Geller Appl.Phys.Lett.,Vol.22,No10,551
Shr00 Annu Sharma,Shyam Kumar,S.K.Sharma,P.K.Diwan,N.Nath,V.K.Mittal, S.Ghosh, and D.K.Avasthi Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B170,323
Shr02 A.Sharma,P.K.Diwan,S.Kumar,S.K.Sharma,V.K.Mittal, S.V.S.Nageswara Rao,B.Sannakki,S.Ghosh,D.K.Avasthi Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B194, 7
Shr08 V.Sharma,P.K.Diwan,Pratibha,S.Kumar,S.A.Khan,D.K.Avasthi Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 266, 3988
Shr09 V.Sharma,P.K.Diwan,Pratibha,T. Sharma,S.Kumar,D.K.Avasthi Indian J. Phys. 83, 937
Shr99 Annu Sharma,Shyam Kumar,S.K.Sharma,N.Nath,V.Harikumar,A.P.Pathak, L.N.S.Prakash Goteti,S.K.Hui, and D.K.Avasthi J. Physics G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 25, 135
Si72 E.I.Sirotonin,A.F.Tulinov,A.Fiderkevich and K.S.Shyshkin Radiat.Eff. 15,149
Si84 E.I.Sirotonin,A.F.Tulinov,V.A.Khodyrev and V.N.Mizgulin Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B4,337
Sid74 G.Sidenius Kgl. Danske Vid. Selsk. Mat.-fys. Medd. 39, 4 Large contribution of nuclear stopping not subtracted; Z1-oscillations (electronic) for v=v0/2 given
Sil01 D.L.da Silva, M.Azevedo,M.Behar,J.F.Dias,P.L.Grande Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B175-177,98 For stopping of Li in Si, see Aze02
Sim75 D.Simons,D.Land,J.Brennan and M.Brown Phys.Rev. A12,2383 The values are included in Sim76
Sim76 D.G.Simons,D.J.Land,J.G.Brennan and M.D.Brown in O.Meyer,G.Linker and F.Käppeler (edts): Ion Beam Surface Layer Analysis, Plenum, N.Y. 863
Sk00 N.Sakamoto,H.Ogawa,H.Tsuchida Nucl. Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B164-165,250
Sk86a N.Sakamoto,H.Ogawa and N.Shiomi Phys.Letters A116,25
Sk86b N.Sakamoto,N.Shiomi,H.Ogawa,R.Ishiwari Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B13, 115
Sk90 N.Sakamoto,H.Ogawa,N.Shiomi-Tsuda,R.Ishiwari Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B48,75
Sk91 N.Sakamoto,H.Ogawa,M.Mannami,K.Kimura,Y.Susuki,M.Hasegawa, I.Hatayama,T.Noro, and H.Ikegami Rad. Effects Defects in Solids 117 (1991) 193 and pers. comm. from N. Sakamoto, 2003
Sk96 N.Sakamoto,H.Ogawa,N.Shiomi-Tsuda Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys. Res. B115,84
Sk98 N.Sakamoto,H.Ogawa,N.Shiomi-Tsuda,M.Saitoh,U.Kitoba,M.Ota Nucl. Instrum. Methods B135, 107
Sl90 A.Seilinger Diploma Thesis,University of Linz,1990
Sl93 A.Schiefermüler,R.Golser,R.Stohl, and D.Semrad Phys. Rev. A 48, 4467
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So61 S.D.Softky Phys.Rev. 123,1685
SP75 C.L.Shepard and L.E.Porter Phys.Rev. B12, 1649
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Sq82 J.P.Stoquert,A.Abdesselam,H.Beaumevieille,Y.Boudouma and J.C.Oberlin Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 194,51
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ST98 H.Salah,B.Touchrift,M.Saad Nucl. Instr. Methods 139, 382 Effect of irradiation upon stopping power
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TF78 J.P.Thomas and M.Fallavier Nucl. Instrum. Methods 149, 169
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Ti89 P.Tikkanen Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B36,103 Only correction factor relative to ZBL stopping determined
Tim04 H.Timmers,K.Stenström,M.Graczyk,H.J.Whitlow Nucl.Instrum.Methods B219-220, 263 Data replaced by WD06
Tk90 K.Takahiro,F.Nishiyama,T.Yamasaki,Y.Osaka,S.Yamaguchi Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B52,117
Tm76 G.Thieme Vakuumtechnik,25.Jahrgang 1,5
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Tr81 P.N.Trehan and B.H.Armitage Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. 179,21
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Trz02 W.H.Trzaska,V.Lyapin,T.Alanko,M.Mutterer, J.Räisänen,G.Tjurin,M.Wojdyr Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B195, 147 Data for Ar on Au replaced by Per05
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Tw81 D.I.Thwaites Phys.Med.Biol. 26,71
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Ve78 G.D.Ved'manov,F.G.Neshov,A.A.Puzanov,A.R.Urmanov Atomnaya Energiya 45, 285. Translation: p. 989
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Wc94b W.E.Wallace,J.B.Rothman,R.J.Composto Nucl.Instrum.Meth. Phys.Res. B84,1
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Wei00 H.Weick et al. Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B164-165, 168 and H.Weick, dissertation, Univ. of Giessen, rev. version, 13 Oct 2000
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Whl02b H.J.Whitlow,H.Timmers,R.G.Elliman,T.D.M.Weijers,Y.Zhang, D.J.O'Connor Nucl.Instrum.Meth. Phys.Res. B195, 133 Replaced by Zha04a
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Wi71 A.van Wijngaarden,B.Miremadi and W.E.Baylis Can.J.Phys. 49,2440
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Wl48 H.A.Wilcox Phys.Rev. 74,1743
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Wo63 R.L.Wolke,W.N.Bishop,E.Eichler,N.R.Johnson and G.D.O'Kelley Phys.Rev. 129,2591
Wr72 D.Ward,R.L.Graham and J.S.Geiger Can.J.Phys. 50,2302
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WW52 W.A.Wenzel,W.Whaling Phys.Rev. 87,499
Xi89 Y.Xia,C.Tan,H.Yang,X.Sun,J.Liu,Z.Zheng and P.Zhu Vacuum 39,347 Data removed since already contained in Tan88
Ya83 S.V.Yalyshko and R.Wedell Phys.stat.sol. B116,K47
Yo56 J.R.Young J.Appl.Phys. 27,1
Yu03 K.N.Yu,C.W.Y.Yip,D.Nikezic,J.P.Y.Ho,V.S.Y.Koo Appl. Radiation and Isotopes 59,363 No stopping power values
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Za67 E.M.Zarutskii Sov.Phys.-Solid State 9,1172
Zad07 M. Zadro, A.Di Pietro, P. Figuera, M. Fisichella, M. Lattuada, A. Maggio, F. Pansini, M. Papa, V. Scuderi, O.Yu. Goryunov, V.V. Ostashko Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 259 (2007) 836
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Zh98a Tao Zheng,Xiting Lu,Zonghuang Xia,Dingyu Shen Phys.Rev. B57,10213
Zh98b Tao Zheng,Xiting Lu,Yongjun Zhai,Zonghuang Xia,Dingyu Shen, Xuemei Wang,Qiang Zhao Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B135,169
Zha01 Yanwen Zhang,G.Possnert, and H.J.Whitlow Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B183, 34 Replaced by Zha02b
Zha02a Yanwen Zhang,G.Possnert Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B190, 69 Replaced by Zha02b
Zha02b Yanwen Zhang Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B196, 1, and Yanwen Zhang,G.Possnert,W.J.Weber Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 4662
Zha03b Yanwen Zhang and W.J.Weber Phys. Rev. B68, 235317 C data already in Zha02b, Si data in Zha03a
Zha03c (Zh03c) Yanwen Zhang and W.J.Weber Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 1665
Zha04a Yanwen Zhang,W.J.Weber,H.J.Whitlow Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. B215, 48, and personal communication from Y.Zhang, 14 Nov., 2003
Zha04b Yanwen Zhang,W.J.Weber,C.M.Wang Phys.Rev. B69, 205201 Data for Cr, Mn, Co, and Cu ions are already in Zha03b
Zha04c (ZW04) Yanwen Zhang,W.J.Weber Nucl. Instrum. Methods B219-220, 256 Data already published previously in Zha02b and Zh03
Zha05a (ZW05a) Yanwen Zhang,W.J.Weber,A.Razpet,G.Possnert Nucl. Instrum. Methods B227,479
Zha05b Yanwen Zhang,W.J.Weber,D.E.McCready,D.A.Grove,J.Jensen,G.Possnert Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 104103, and pers. comm. from Y.Zhang
Zha06a Y.Zhang,W.J.Weber,A.Razpet,G.Possnert Nucl. Instrum. Methods B242,82
Zha06b Y.Zhang,J.Jensen,G.Possnert,D.A.Grove,D.E.McCready,B.W.Arey, W.J. Weber Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 249, 18
Zha06c (ZW06c) Y.Zhang,W.J.Weber,D.A.Grove,J.Jensen,G.Possnert Nucl.Instrum.Methods B250, 62
Zhi98 Yongjun Zhai,Xiting Lu,Tao Zheng,Zonghuang Xia,Dingyu Shen Nucl.Instrum.Methods B135, 128
Zi87 M.Zielinski,W.Y.Baek,K.Bharuth-Ram,D.Gassen,W.Neuwirth Phys.Rev. A36,5170 The points are normalized to Po61 at 0.15 MeV/nucl
Zi88 M.Zielinski,E.Kaletta,W.Neuwirth and K.Bharuth-Ram South.Afr.J.Phys. 11,No1,13
ZJ07 Y.Zhang,J.Jensen,G.Possnert,D.A.Grove,In-Tae Bae,W.J.Weber Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 261 (2007) 1180
ZW09 Y.Zhang,W.J.Weber Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys. Res. B267, 1705