CV Laura Natalia Serkovic Loli

Some congresses
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Seminar in Instituto de Ciencias Físicas - UNAM
Taller de Dinámica y Estructura Atómica, Molecular y Óptica
Cuernavaca, Mexico. June 2014.
Oral: “Estudio de la adsorción de moléculas orgánicas de EP-PTCDI sobre superficies metálicas y semiconductoras”
Poster 1: “Poder de frenado de fluoruros en protones y su efecto umbral debido al gap de energía de los aislantes”
Poster 2: “Estructura dinámica mediada por redes de Al tipo grafito de la superficie de Al2Cu (001)”

Seminar in Annealysis
Montpellier, France. February 2014.
Oral: “CVD graphene on Cu foil, transfer and lithography of hall bars and antennas for Terahertz”

Seminar in Commisariat d’Energie Atomique
Saclay, France. December 2013.
Oral: “CVD graphene on Cu foil: synthesis and characterization”

Seminar in Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
Gröningen, The Netherlands. August 2013.
Oral: “Adsorption of EP-PTCDI molecules on Si(111) 7x7 and Ag(111) + Reconstruction of the Al2Cu(001) surface + Stopping power of fluorides”

Seminar in Institut des NanoSciences de Paris
Paris, France. Septembre 2012.
Oral: “Reconstruction of the Al2Cu(001) surface led by covalent bonding”

Seminar in CEA – Université Paris Sud 11
Paris, France. Septembre 2012.
Oral: “Reconstruction of the Al2Cu(001) surface led by covalent bonding”

Conferencia Internacional de Espectroscopía (Spectra)
Lima, Peru. February 2012.
Oral: “Estructura dinámica superficial y redes tipo grafito”

Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (CMMP11)
Manchester, England. December 2011.
Poster: “Reconstruction of the (001) Al2Cu surface led by covalent bonding”

Seminar in Centro d'Investigació en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia
Barcelona, Spain. November 2011.
Oral: “Adsorption of EP-PTCDI molecules on Si(111) 7x7 and Ag(111) + Reconstruction of the Al2Cu(001) surface”

Complex Metallic Alloys and Compounds Days 2011
Liverpool, England. November 2011.
Oral: “Reactivity of the Al2Cu surface”

Seminar in Nano Physics Lab
Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain. October 2011.
Oral: “Adsorption of EP-PTCDI molecules on Si(111) 7x7 and Ag(111) + Reconstruction of the Al2Cu(001) surface”

European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-28)
Wroclaw, Poland. August 2011.
Oral: "Reconstruction on the Al2Cu (001) surface"

18th Interdisciplinary Surface Science Conference (ISSC-18)
Warwick, England. April 2011.
Oral: "Surprising reconstruction on the (001) surface of Al2Cu"

Complex Metallic Alloys and Compounds Days (CMAC-Days)
Dresden, Allemande. November 2010.
Oral: "Structure investigation of the (001) surface of the Al2Cu crystal"

Seminar in Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química
Santa Fe, Argentina. October 2010.
Oral: "Estudio de la estructura de la superficie (001) de Al2Cu y la adsorción de O2 sobre las superficies de Al2Cu, Al9Co2 y Al13Fe4"

10th Inter-American Congress on Electron Microscopy and 1st Congress of the Argentine Society of Microscopy
Rosario, Argentina. October 2009.
Poster: "STM and AFM study of the adsorption of EP-PTCDI molecules on Si(111) 7x7"

IV Encuentro de Física y Química de Superficies
Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. La Plata, Argentina. October 2009.
Oral: "Crecimiento y estabilidad térmica de moléculas de EP-PTCDI sobre Ag(111)"

11th European Conference on Organized Films
Universität Postdam, Germany. July 2008.
Poster: "Growth of EP-PTCDI films on Ag(111) studied by STM, UPS, XPS and NEXAFS"

III Encuentro de Física y Química de Superficies
Bahía Blanca, Argentina. November 2007.
Oral: "Adsorción de EP-PTCDI en superficies de Si(111) y Ag(111)"

Elementary Reactive Processes at surfaces
Donostia - San Sebastián, Spain. August 2007.
Poster: "Adsorption of EP-PTCDI on Si(111) and Ag(111) Surfaces"

IV Latin American Symposium on Scanning Probe Microscopy.
de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Mar del Plata, Argentina. April 2007.
Poster: "Adsorption of EP-PTCDI on Si(111) and Ag(111) Surfaces"

International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces
Bariloche, Argentina. November 2006.
Poster (1): "Energy Loss and Ion Fraction for Hydrogen Transmitted through Thin C and AlF3 Films"
Poster (2): "Adsorption of EP-PTCDI on Si(111)7x7 surfaces"

III Encuentro Sudamericano de Colisiones Inelásticas en la Materia
Buenos Aires, Argentina. October 2006.
Poster: "Pérdida de Energía y Fracción de Iones de Hidrógeno Transmitido en Láminas Delgadas de Au, C y AlF3"

16th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions
Hernstein, Austria. September 2006.
Poster: "Stopping Power and final charge state fractions of keV protons traversing thin C and AlF3 films"