Artículos en revistas con arbitraje indizadas (Web of Science, JCR, SCOPUS)
1.- Spectra and transport of probability and energy densities in a PT-symmetric square well with a delta-function potential
Liga a la publicación
2.- Empirical properties of volume dynamics in the limit order book
Liga a la publicación
3.- Exact extreme, order, and sum statistics in a class of strongly correlated systems
Liga a la publicación
4.- Statistical properties of volume in the Bitcoin/USD market
5.- Exact extreme, order, and sum statistics in a class of strongly correlated systems
6.- Extreme Statistics and Spacing Distribution in a
Brownian Gas Correlated by Resetting
Liga a la publicación
7.- On the energy density in quantum mechanics
Liga a la publicación
8.- A machine learning model to identify corruption in Mxico's public procurement contracts
9.- Exact order, gap and counting statistics of a Brownian gas correlated by resetting
10.- Practices of public procurement and the risk of corrupt behavior
before and after the government transition in Mxico.
Liga a la publicación
11.- Practices of public procurement and the risk of
corrupt behavior before and after the government
transition in Mxico
Liga a la publicación
12.- Is the Voynich manuscript in Czech? Using clustering coefficients to identify languages
Liga a la publicación
13.- Spectra, eigenstates and transport properties of a-symmetric ring
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14.- First-passage probabilities and mean number of sites visited by a persistent random walker in one-and two-dimensional lattices
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15.- Spectral and transport properties of a-symmetric tight-binding chain with gain and loss
Liga a la publicación
16.- Título: Universal and non-universal text statistics: Clustering coefficient for language identification
Autores: Diego Leonardo Espitia y Hernán Larralde
Revista: Physica A
Liga a la publicación
17.- Título: Agglomeration or separation: Store patterns through an optimal location model.
Autores: Luisana Claudio Pachecano y Hernán Larralde
Revista: Physica A
Fecha de disponibilidad: 23 de noviembre del 2019
Liga a la publicación
18.- Título: Spectral and transport properties of a simple PT -symmetric tight-binding chain with gain and loss
Autores: Adrian Ortega, Thomas Stegmann, Luis Benet, Hernán Larralde
Revista: Journal of Physics A
Volumen: --
Fecha de envio: 18 de noviembre 2019
Estatus: enviado.
Liga a la publicación
19.- Martín Zumaya,
Hernán Larralde, Maximino Aldana.
Delay in the dispersal of flocks. Moving in unbounded space using long-range interactions.
Scientific Reports 8:15872 (2018)
Liga a la publicación
20.- Jensen, P., Matreux, T., Cambe, J.,
Larralde, H., & Bertin, E. (2018). Giant Catalytic Effect of Altruists in Schelling’s Segregation Model.
Physical Review Letters,
120(20), 208301.
Liga a la publicación
21.- Hernán Larralde and François Leyvraz.
Three dimensional difusion with helical persistence. 2015
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 265001.
Liga a la publicación
22.- H. Larralde, DP Sanders.
Sustained currents in coupled diffusive systems. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (34), 345001
23.- Alberto Salazar,
Hernán Larralde, and
François Leyvraz.
Temperature gradients in equilibrium: Small microcanonical systems in an external field. Phys. Rev. E 90, 052127
24.- J. Espinal Enríquez,
H. Larralde.
Analysis of Mexico's narco-war network. PLoS One
25.- Rosetti MF, Ulloa RE, Vargas-Vargas I, Reyes-Zamorano E, Palacios-Cruz L, De la Peña F,
Larralde H, Hudson R.
"Are ADHD Children Efficient Foragers? Evidence from the Ecologically Based Ball-Search Field Task". PLoS One
26.- H. Larralde; "Maximum-entropy distributions of correlated variables with prespecified marginals" Phys. Rev. E 86, 061117 (2012) PUBLICADO
Liga a la publicación
27.- Ramírez-Hernández A
., Larralde H., and
Leyvraz F.
``Systems with negative specific heat in thermal contact: Violation of the zeroth law'
Phys. Rev. E
78, 061133 (2008)
28.- Larralde H., Stehle J., and Jensen P.
``Analytical solution of a multi-dimensional Hotelling model with quadratic transportation costs'
Regional Science and Urban Economics Vo.l
29, pag 343-349 (2009)
29.- Boyer D., Miramontes O. and
Larralde H.
``Levy-like behaviour in deterministic models of intelligent agents exploring heterogeneous environments'
J. Phys. A. Vol.
42 Issue: 43 Article Number: 434015 (2009)
30.- Larralde H. and P. Sanders D.
``Long-range correlations in a simple model of coupled transport'
J. Phys. A. Vol.
42 Issue: 33; Article Number: 335002 (2009)
31.- Aldana M,
Larralde H, Vazquez B
``On the emergence of collective order in swarming systems: a recent debate'
23 Issue: 18 Pages: 3459-3483, (2009).
32.- Salazar,
Leyvraz F. and
Larralde H.
``Fluctuation theorem for currents in the Spinning Lorentz Gas'
388, Pages: 4679-4694 (2009)
33.- Aldana M., Huepe C.,
Larralde H., and Pimentel A.∗
Intrinsic and extrinsic noise effects on the phase transition of network models with applications to swarming systems,Physical Review E
77, (2008) 061138
Artículos en revistas con arbitraje NO indizadas
1.- Modeling the role of police corruption in the reduction of organized crime: Mexico as a case study
Liga a la publicación
2.- Hernán Larralde, Coeditor del libro "La Ciencia desde Morelos para el Mundo, Tomo II" ACMOR-La Unión de Morelos.
1.- A. M. Contreras
H. Larralde; "Econofísica" en Perspectivas de la Física para el siglo XXI, editado por O. Miramontes y K. Volke.
Liga a la publicación
Capítulos de libros
1.- "Sobre la propagación de rumores"
Hernán Larralde Ridaura
La unión de Morelos, 26 de abril de 2010